Meet your therapist...
"It's your road and yours alone. Others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you"
- Rumi

Hi, my name is Jennifer Gillespie.
As a therapist I hold a strong respect for the uniqueness and importance of each individual. My aim is to work in an empathetic and collaborative way and provide a safe, emotionally holding and supportive environment where you can work through difficulties and overcome what keeps you from greater happiness and living life to your full potential.
Together we can discover new ways of relating, thinking, feeling and behaving that can then be gently integrated into your life to bring about necessary positive changes.
My qualifications:
I have a four year Diploma in Counselling from the Human Development & Training Institute (HD&T) in Auckland and a Post Graduate Diploma in Psychosocial (Psychotherapy) Studies from the Auckland University of Technology (AUT). I also have a fifteen year background in energy work studying in NZ, India, Scandinavia, the USA and Europe.
I have fifteen years experience working in Counselling and Psychotherapy. This is with many hundreds of individuals and as a group process facilitator.